These are the tasks that should be performed when we are moving code from the dev site to the live site:

1. Put up maintenance page on live site:
– Use .htaccess file to show everyone the maintenance page except us. in this case, the IP addresses would need to be updated with the IPs of the people we want to be able to access the full site. Everyone else will see the maintenance page /maintenance.html :


RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} !^(||||
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/maintenance.html$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/wp-content/cache/busting/1/wp-content/themes/biopac/library/js/combined-head-5abd27ca22abc379512668.js$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.(jpe?g?|png|gif|js|css) [NC]
RewriteRule .* /maintenance.html [R=302,L]

2. Migrate code for applicable changes for whatever updates we are pushing live, as well as any dependencies.

3. Update wordpress and all plugins except for woocommerce, search, and CF7.

4. Clear WP-rocket cache

5. Clear Cloudflare cache

6. Remove htaccess cron replacement script

7. Test site – no host files needed as we are using htaccess

8. If site is approved, remove htaccess rules so anyone can visit the live site.

9. When site goes live after update, redirect to live site to ensure that nobody is still seeing the maintenance page.

The following items should be tested after we push changes live:

1. test all templates for custom post types including layout and handling of acf fields
2. test product, cart, and checkout templates
3. test forms
4. vpn testing for email routing, contact forms and routing, anything to do with products and checkout (including pricing, layout, ajax, shipping, taxes).
We have an xls on Asana of specific products to test for pricing.

Use FRANCE as a Distributor country so the same proxy login can be used to verify Custom Distributor fields/translation (Header Logo, Homepage incl slider, Research Page incl slider, Education Page incl slider, Local Sales Form).

5. test replace media plugin. Make sure we are able to replace media, and that updated media is appearing on the frontend after replace.