Go Live Checklist and Testing

These are the tasks that should be performed when we are moving code from the dev site to the live site: 1. Put up maintenance page on live site: – Use .htaccess file to show everyone the maintenance page except us. in this case, the IP addresses would need to...

Copying Live to Dev

Some tasks to do after a migration from live: Run Better Search Replace for: www.biopac.com -> dev.biopac.com (or whatever dev URL currently is) @biopac.com -> @dev.biopac.com Update recipients in CF7 forms to info@dev.biopac.com Update Woo email recipients...

AJAX Pricing

Biopac loads pricing data via AJAX to allow cached pages to display the correct prices based on a user’s location and/or user info. There are also tags around the price outputs that tell Google to not index the prices. Most of the functionality is contained in...


The two main caching systems are Cloudflare and WP Rocket. Cloudflare is the first layer of caching, and is what most customers will get when they visit any public pages. There are also some custom caching elements to make things even faster. Logged-in users are...