All contact forms on are set up using ContactForm7. There are mutliple customizations in the biopac-custom plugin, generally in the files cf7.php and cf7-module-querystring.php files. Many of the customizations are for routing the emails to a specific recipient based on factors such as the user’s IP address.

Email Log
The Postman SFTP plugin is installed on the site. Even if it’s not set up to actually send via SMTP it still creates a log of every email that gets sent, so it’s very useful in that respect. The log is available in Tools > Email Log.

Recipient Format
The email sender field set up for each CF7 form must be in the correct format. It cannot include some special characters, such as commas and single quotes/apostrophes. For example, “BIOPAC Systems, Inc. <>” is not valid because of the comma after “Systems”.  More info:

Also, the reply-to address can cause issues if it’s not formatted correctly in the Additional Headers field. Here’s an example of a valid reply-to header:

Reply-To: [name-1] <[email-1]>